Thanks, everyone, for volunteering to set up this list of references. It will probably change a lot as we work on it. I’ll try to keep it as up to date as possible to prevent duplication of work.  If you haven’t signed up for an area yet, please volunteer through the contact box.

Here’s a list of questions to ask as we call round to find out about inspectors and contractors. Could you see what questions might be added to the lists below?



  • What areas do you cover? References?
  • (Qualifications: AESP  IEMA
  • Practical experience?
  • Certification?
  • What is the timeline for an inspection?
    –do you have to have the same person do the beginning & end inspections? How full is your schedule?–Timeline on grants?–new grants upcoming?
  • Do you recommend any books/pamphlets/websites to help people learn about retrofitting their home?
  • What information should a client have ready when you come to inspect their home?
  • What is it that people commonly misunderstand about a home inspection?


  • What areas do you cover? References?
  • Qualifications
  • Do you have experience with heat pumps/radiators/radiant floor heating? If not, can you recommend someone who does?
  • Timeline. Do you have a long waiting list? How fast can you perform the work?
  • What problems have you encountered with installation?
  • Is there something you would like customers to know before they call?


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