About our community
The Perth County Sustainability Hub is a member of the Suzuki Foundation’s Future Ground Network, which provides us with training, technical assistance, and connection with environmental groups across Canada. We are very grateful for the support provided by this wonderful network.
We are a huge county. The largest population centres within Perth County are Stratford and St. Marys, Mitchell, Palmerston, Milverton and Listowel. These small cities are situated in over two thousand square kilometres of some of the richest farmland in Canada. Our distances pose problems; travel can be a big obstacle, and many people have poor broadband. News and information systems leave a lot to be desired. Collaboration between all our smaller communities is not impossible, however; with expertise and a little elbow grease, we can find ways to work together.
If you are a sustainability group in our county, please think of joining us. We can include your events on our web page, and we are developing an extensive social media network. If you have information on environmental or sustainability groups in your area, please reach out to us to let us know about them.
If you’e an individual, and would like to participate, you can sign up for our newsletter, join our online meetings, and we could sure use some help with our retrofit project. Learn more on the About Us page.
We are also developing strong relationships with like-minded organizations in neighbouring areas, sharing knowledge and information and collaborating on projects together. The list is growing fast. Learn about these organizations below:
GREAN – The latest group to form in Soutwestern Ontario, The Growing Rural Environmental Activist Network doesn’t have a webpage yet. If you are in the Kincardine area and want to get in touch with a local activist group, please use the contact box at the bottom of this page and we will connect you.
GREEN GODERICH – https://www.greengoderich.com/
Green Goderich is a grassroots organization who advocate for the enviroment as well as educate the public on environmental issues, plastic pollution, and climate change.
BLUE BAYFIELD – https://bluebayfield.ca/
Blue Bayfield is an organization of concerned citizens located in the lakeside village of Bayfield, Ontario. Blue Bayfield’s mission is committed to the protection and remediation of all waters locally and around the world.
HURON FRINGE FIELD NATURALISTS – https://hffn.huronstewardship.ca/
First formed by Joe and Crystal Burgess in 1985 with an original membership of about 6 people, the club has grown to about 120 members in the intervening years. Members generally live along the Lake Huron shoreline area ranging from the Bayfield area in the south to the Tiverton -Inverhuron area in the north and inland to include members from Clinton and Lucknow areas.
LONDON ENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK https://www.londonenvironment.net/
The London Environmental Network (LEN) is an environmental charitable organization based in London, Ontario, Canada. The LEN helps to protect our environment and build a more sustainable city by offering environmental programs and climate action opportunities for all residents.
HAMILTON 350 https://hamilton350climate.org/
Hamilton 350 is a grassroots group based in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and affiliated with the world-wide 350.org network. Their mission is to build an engaged, aware local movement for urgent action and advocacy on the climate emergency that all of us face.