Community Submission from Nicole Andre on the AHP:

Housing Project at the Regular Council meeting scheduled for:

Date of Meeting: Monday, May 08, 2023
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Council Chambers, Stratford City Hall.1 Wellington Street, Stratford, ON N5A 6W1

The Staff Report
will be included in the agenda for the meeting. The agenda will be published to the City’s website by May 5, 2023 at the link below:

How to Get Involved

Anyone wishing to addressStratfordCity Councilwith respect tothe Attainable Housing Project may do so in writing or by appearing as a delegation at the meeting. Written comments may be submitted to the City Clerk at the address or email noted below. Delegation requests must be submitted in writing and can be done so by completing the Register as a Delegation form on the City’s website
Services/ClerksCorporateServices/DelegationRequestForm or in writing to:

Tatiana Dafoe, City Clerk
City Hall, P.O. Box 818
Stratford ON N5A 6W1
Fax: (519) 2735041

Following confirmation of the delegation request, details for participating in the meeting will be provided.

Written comments and requests to appear as a delegation must be submitted no later than 4:30 p.m., on Tuesday May 2, 2023, for inclusion on the agenda. Written comments and requests to appear as a delegation which are submitted following the publishing of the agenda will be considered and may be listed on an addendum.


Contact Ms. Dafoe by telephone at (519) 271- 0250 extension 5329 or email
To be notified of any decision or resolution of the City of Stratford with respect to the Attainable Housing Project

write: The Corporation of the City of Stratford, Attention: City Clerk, City Hall, 1 Wellington Street, Stratford, ON N5A 6W1


MOST IMPORTANTLY, if you have concerns about Council rushing to a decision on the Attainable Housing Project’s report before you, or others have had a chance to read it and submit comments, write the City Clerk and all councillors asking them to vote yes on deffering a decision on the AHP’s (180 page) Final Report until May 23.

Click here to email City Clerk Tatiana Dafoe

Click here to email all city councillors

to email individual councillors:  first initial + last name @