Everybody likes cartoons. You can make a really strong point with a drawing, and you don’t have to be a great artist to do it.
This year Perth County Sustainability will offer a $100 prize for a student cartoon dealing with climate change and its associated problems. We’re hoping for something positive, something brave, something that will encourage people to take action.
Funny is good, too.
Your cartoon may be a single picture, or a series of pictures, like the one above. It can be either colour or black and white. Please use a very dark pencil, ink, or felt pen. The cartoon should fit on an 8 l/2 x 11 sheet of paper. Please submit your work by June 30, 2025.
You must be a resident of Perth County, and you must be 19 years old or under to enter. Your entry must be your own work, and should be accompanied by a paragraph explaining why you chose the subject of your cartoon, and how you hope people will understand it (75 words maximum).
In submitting your cartoon, you accept that it may be published on our webpage. The best way to submit your cartoon is by scanning your work and sending it by email, but if that is difficult for you, please let us know, and we will help you find a way to enter.
Why cant 18 and above submit them?
We wanted to make it a contest for elementary and high school students. It’s a way to introduce our new newsletter for students, “The Student Edition”.
Do you think we should have made it 19 and under?