PCSH Meeting, October 7, 2021

Mike Sullivan came to our meeting last night with news from the Energy and Environment Committee. The Climate Coordinator’s report has just been released, and although it had not been given to the E&E Committee, a committee member learned about it and brought it to their meeting yesterday afternoon, where they all read it together.

The Climate Coordinator’s report will be used in a meeting of the Infrastructure, Transportation and Safety Committee this coming Tuesday to vote on recommendations for greenhouse gas reduction between now and 2030. This is not a settled issue. The City at one point has proposed a 10% reduction, E&E has recommended 30%, and the Government of Canada is asking for a 40 – 45% reduction.

Mike is concerned that the E&E Committee has had little time to look at the report and no time to make recommendations to the Infrastructure Committee.  He is also concerned that the citizens of Stratford haven’t even seen the report yet, and if they do wish to make a presentation to the Infrastructure Committee, they will not be permitted to submit supporting documents for the public to see, as the deadline for that was last Tuesday, two days before the report was even published.

Council needs to hear from the citizens of Stratford. You may think that a delay of voting is appropriate, given the speed at which things are proceeding. You may believe that councillors should choose a higher reduction number. You may believe that our city should employ a full-time climate coordinator, as Mike suggests. It is important that Council hear your voice. (see below)

Here is the full video of Mike Sullivan’s report to our meeting on October 7, 2021.

Here is a summary of Mike’s report.

Find the Stratford Climate Coordinator’s report, Creating a Healthy Environment

Find the video of the October 7 Energy and Environment Committee Meeting and the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting of the Infrastructure, Transportation and Safety Committee through the calendar link on the main page of the City’s website.

Here’s how to register to speak before Council (online):

Contact Jodi Akin
Council Clerk Secretary
phone number 519 271-0250 ext.240

“I request to speak as a delegate at the October 12 , 3:10 pm  meeting of the Infrastructure, Transportation and Safety Committee meeting regarding the Climate Change Coordinator’s report and the setting of goals for greenhouse gas emissions.”

Give your name, address, phone number




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