A quick reminder to please check out – and like – my post/s re an Affordable Housing Community Land Trust (CLT) on the Official Plan Project’s Engage Stratford Page.  I’ve posted as MzNiks under “What is missing”  and “My vision”. Please see SAHA’s email, below,  for more on why it’s important for all of us to speak up for an Affordable Housing Community Land Trust.

Hope you’re having a good weekend.
In Solidarity,


We need Proportionately Mixed Income Affordable Housing and a Community Land Trust



The City is looking for your suggestions on revisions  for our official plan. Let them know that you support putting our publicly owned property and land into a Community Land Trust (CLT) for Proportionally Mixed Income (PMI) Affordable Housing.  An affordable housing CLT keeps housing affordable forever.  Stratford’s first step is to create a bank of suitable land and property from which to create an PMI Affordable Housing CLT.


To develop a CLT program, the City needs to see the public supports this plan.  Your voices count and are being counted.  Our planners need to see that a lot of folks are engaged.   Speak up herehttps://engagestratford.ca/official-plan-review