Like last year, the weather did not cooperate, but the event moved indoors, and everyone had a great time.
Strictly speaking, it wasn’t a street party, but it was a lot of fun. Thanks to Factory 163, the rain did not spoil the day. The music was upbeat and engaging, and the food was fantastic (thank you, Revel, Grounded and The Planet Diner!), and a number of local environmental organizations participated: Climate Momentum, who organized the event, Rotary, The SDSS Eco Club, The Local, Tree Trust, The Stratford and Area Master Gardeners, The Perth County Sustainability Hub, and many others.
There were varied activities for the kids — the wishing tree (pictured above) got a collection of wishes for a better future, and a lot of us are taking that to heart. There was a seed booth, an area for learning about native traditions, a button maker, and an amazing dancing butterfly, performed by Leslie Walker Fitzgerald.
But it wasn’t just for the children; there was a great deal for everyone to learn. Stratford’s Energy and Environment Committee did a great presentation on native grasses and invasive species, the Eco Club was there to present topics on climate action, and the Master Gardeners generously shared their knowledge. The entire event was proof of a growing awareness of the challenges for our natural surroundings, and a willingness to take action to protect our environment.
It looks like a new tradition has been established for Stratford. Next year, it will be even better!