Housing is important to all of us

Why have we formed this group?

Many of us are personally impacted by Stratford’s soaring housing costs and have real “skin in the game”. Housing is critically important for us all. We’ve been struggling to meaningfully engage the City on creating housing that people can really afford.

Who are we trying to reach in our community?

We want to organize with other community members, organizations, housing experts and providers who have the same goal – pooling our skills and knowledge – so we can effectively collaborate with the City in creating a sustainably affordable housing plan that accommodates people across the whole spectrum of household incomes in Stratford.

What is our plan?

We’re petitioning City Council to work with us in creating and implementing a Proportionally Mixed Income (PMI) Affordable Housing Plan, that centres Community Land Trusts (CLTs) as a way to keep publicly-owned land controlled by our community and the costs of our homes protected from arbitrary fluctuations in the market. Read our petition and learn more about CLTs on our main page.

How can you help?

We are much stronger as a collective mass of voters. We welcome your voice at the table.

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